The importance of PIN and bank password confidentiality
The PIN code is used when withdrawing money from an ATM, when making payments with a POS terminal.
At Evocabank, you personally generate your preferred PIN code in a modern and secure way when activating the card at the ATM. Even bank employees do not know your PIN code.
And the bank password is usually used by the bank employee to identify you remotely.
When entering the PIN code, be careful so that no one sees your code and later uses it to steal your card. You can manually cover the keyboard while entering the code. Also, avoid writing the PIN code on the card, do not record it in the phone or computer and in other places accessible to third parties.
Your card information (card number, PIN code, bank password, CVV/CVC numbers, card validity period, one-time password: 3D secure or VBV) should not be sent by SMS, e-mail or any other means, and also do not post or send the card picture or other card data in social networks and messengers.
Today, many cards also have PayWave or PayPass technology, which allows you to simply bring the card to the POS terminal and make a contactless payment without entering a PIN code, with a limit of up to 20,000 AMD or equivalent foreign currency.
Be alert and do not leave these types of cards unattended.
There are also three or four-digit CVV/CVC numbers on the front or back of your payment card, the confidentiality of which is also important. This code is mainly used during online payments. It is recommended to cover it with a self-adhesive, because with access to that code and card number, money can be stolen from your card without your knowledge.
And when doing online shopping, use only trusted websites so that your personal and card data do not become available to fraudsters.
It is also recommended to keep the money on non-card accounts. If necessary, you can transfer the money to your card and use it within minutes using the EvocaTOUCH banking application.
Transactions carried out with Evocabank cards are protected by 3D secure and VBV systems.
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