Student Loans
Do you want to acquire new skills and qualifications, but you don’t have enough funds? No worries, Evocabank will pay for you, just realize your dreams!

up to
4 mln. ֏
Amount |
up to
120 months
Loan term |
Interest rate |
Subsidized interest rate |
Our team does anything possible to emphasize the importance of getting high education and to make it more attractive for young generation directing them to the new reality.
Evocabank offers student consumer loans with the most attractive conditions. During the study period the borrower repays only interests (maximum 5 years). Equal repayments of the principal and interests are done after graduation.
As customers’ time is out of top priority, we have simplified the tuition payment process. We will transfer the money online to the bank account of the educational institution based on the invoice issued by the educational institution and submitted to the Bank by the customer.

For the first time in Armenia Evocabank offers Online Student Loans with EvocaTOUCH application!

Online and Mobile Banking
Evocabank is a fast, simple and innovative service bank, distinguished by the active use of the latest information technologies.
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