Student Loans

Do you want to acquire new skills and qualifications, but you don’t have enough funds? No worries, Evocabank will pay for you, just realize your dreams!

Student Loans


Loan purpose

The consumer loan is designed for payment of tuition fees.



RA citizens- students of bachelor’s, master’s program and clinical residency program (ordinatura) of state and state-accredited higher education institutions


Loan currency



Loan amount

Up to AMD 4,000,000 for the entire period of studies, in 5 tranches at most (a tranche for each year), besides, the amount of a single tranche cannot exceed AMD 800,000 or the size of a tuition fee for an academic year.


Loan repayment method and loan period

Monthly annuities; besides, during studies the student will be paying interest only (5 years at most), while upon graduation principal and interest will be payable for a period of up to 10 years.


Nominal interest rate per annum

  • 9% per annum
  • 2% subsidy for all borrower-students
  • 3% subsidy for the students with higher academic achievements


Actual interest rate per annum



Loan disbursement method

The loan will be issued in non-cash manner through transferring the relevant amount to the bank account of higher education institution based on the invoice issued by the education institution and submitted by the customer to the Bank (the document should contain the details as set forth by the RA legislation).


Penalty for early loan repayment

Not applicable


Penalty charged for late payment of the principal and interest amounts

For past due principal amount - 0.015% per day,

For past due interest - 0.1% per day.


Loan security

  • Surety of student's parent(s), guardian(s) or other individuals


Fees and charges

Not applicable


Timeline for making decision on  loan application approval or rejection

  • The decision on approving or declining the loan application will be made within 3 (three) business days upon submission of the entire package of required preliminary documents.
  • The loan will be documented and transferred to the bank account of the relevant education institution, within 2 (two) business days upon signing the loan and surety contracts/agreements  and submitting the invoice to the Bank.


  • Please be informed that the number of your loan applications, including the online ones (with various technical and software solutions and apps), irrespective of their approval or rejection, may have a negative impact on your overall credit rating.

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Evocabank is a fast, simple and innovative service bank, distinguished by the active use of the latest information technologies.

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