Renovation loans under National Mortgage Company

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Renovation loans under National Mortgage Company
  1. Loan application
  2. Passport or identification card as well as a social card or certificate of not having a social card (in addition, a social card and a certificate of not having a social card are not required if the person has presented an identification card),
  3. Income certificate from employer and other income if available
  4. If the Borrower/co-borrower is self-employed, then
    • Taxpayer Tax Identification Number (TIN),
    • Registration certificate,
    • Charter (if applicable),
    • Documents for the permission to engage in the given type of activity (if such a requirement exists under RA legislation),
    • Financial and tax reports,
    • Income and expense statement/records for the last 6 months (if applicable),
    • Self-employed income assessment analysis (optional if the creditworthiness assessment is based on official reports.
  5. Repair estimate for the property to be repaired
  6. Certificate of ownership of real estate to be renovated,
  7. All expenses with government subsidy must be supported by an invoice or other proof of payment (payment order, delivery document or acceptance-handover deed).

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