Overdraft online

Do you have unexpected expenses? Evocabank's Overdraft Online is the best short-term solution. 24/7 availibility and no document flow.

Overdraft online

Loan purpose

The loan is granted for the purpose of ordering or purchasing goods (work, services) for personal, family, home or other use not related to business activities.

Who can apply

Individual residents of RA between the age of 21-65 


100,000 - 10,000,000

Limit type

Revolving with monthly minimum payment requirement

Limit provision process

The credit limit is granted via Bank’s payment cards



Nominal interest rate

AMD 16-21.5%

Grace period

Not provided

Repayment period

36 months

Minimum monthly payment requirement

The cardholder is obliged to pay 5% of the limit used during the previous month / minimum: 5,000 AMD and accrued interest by the deadline specified in the statement. A month is defined as the period from the 1st of each month to the 1st of the following month.

Statement day

Until 10 of each month

Payment period starting from the statement date

The 16th of each month (if the 16th of the given month is a non-working day, the deadline is the next working day).

Penalty for loan principal and/or interest overdue

Monthly minimal payment overdue penalty - 0,015 % daily,

Accrued interest overdue penalty- 0,1 % daily

Deadlines for approving or rejecting loan provision

The decision to grant or reject a loan is made within seconds.

The loan is provided in case of a positive decision by the Bank, within a maximum of 1 (one) working day.


Online and Mobile Banking

Evocabank is a fast, simple and innovative service bank, distinguished by the active use of the latest information technologies.

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