Evoca Completed Placement of Bonds Ahead of Schedule
The total amount of the newly issued bonds is AMD 2 billion, USD 10 million and Euro 7 million.
To remind you, on March 27, 2023, Evocabank issued registered, coupon, book-entry, irredeemable and inconvertible bonds.
The Bank has placed 200,000 dram-denominated, 100,000 dollar-denominated and 70,000 euro-denominated bonds in total amount of AMD 2 billion, USD 10 million and Euro 7 million. The annual coupon yield is 11%, 5․25% and 4% respectively, periodicity of coupon payment – once every three months, maturity - 30 and 39 months.
Evocabank delivers fast, simple and innovative services and stands out by its active use of newest information technology.
More details on bonds may be found here.