
Evocabank will Issue New Bonds

Evocabank will issue dram-denominated and USD-denominated bonds yielding 11% and 5% per year respectively, maturing in 30 months in total amount of AMD 2 billion and USD 10 million.

Evocabank will Issue New Bonds

On 25th September, Evocabank will issue registered, coupon, book-entry, irredeemable, inconvertible bonds.

The Bank will place 200,000 dram-denominated and 100,000 USD-denominated bonds. Coupons will be paid on a quarterly basis. The par value for AMD-denominated bonds is AMD 10,000 and for USD-denominated bonds - USD 100.



Registered coupon

Nominal value

AMD 10,000

USD 100

Total amount

AMD 2,000,000,000

USD 10,000,000

Quantity of bonds



Circulation time period

30 months

30 months

Annual coupon interest rate



Periodicity of coupon payment




Evocabank CJSC


Bonds are interest-bearing financial instruments which are in high-demand in the market. They entitle their holders to receive back the initial principal and earn interest, as well as other advantages:

  • Funds raised with the help of registered bonds are considered guaranteed bank deposits and guaranteed by the Deposit Guarantee Fund within the amounts specified in Armenian law.
  • The return on the bonds is not taxable by income tax or non-residents profit tax.
  • Coupons will be paid on a quarterly basis. 

In Evocabank, you can get bonds online through EvocaTOUCH application or at any Bank office.

Potential investors can familiarize themselves with the electronic version of the bond issuance prospectus (registered pursuant to decision of RA CB chairman #1/87 A of 07.03.2023), outlining the main terms and other details here.


? What is a bond?
A bond (in Latin - obligation) is a debt security which confirms the bondholder’s right to get a refund and interest on it after a specific time period.

? What would happen if I need my investments back prior to the maturity?
The bonds issued by Evocabank will be listed at the Armenia Securities Exchange and you can purchase or sell them at any time.

? Why should I buy bonds instead of investing in a deposit?
Bonds are more efficient and rewarding securities. They have a number of advantages.
Bond income is not taxable by income tax or profit tax for non-residents.
If you sell your bonds, you will get the interest accrued on them.

? My deposits are guaranteed by the Deposit Guarantee Fund, what about my bonds?
Bonds are also guaranteed.

Under the RA law ON Guaranteeing Compensation of Bank Deposits of Individuals, funds raised from bonds issued by the Bank are deemed guaranteed bank deposits, so they are also guaranteed by the Deposit Guarantee Fund.

? How can I buy Evocabank’s bonds?
To buy bonds you need to:

Visit any Bank office, fill out the application-instruction for bonds purchase, enter the sum to the special account or do it online through Bank’s EvocaTOUCH app wherever you are, at any moment.

? Can I, if needed, get a bond-backed loan?
Surely, you can.

Like deposits, bonds can serve as collateral for short-term loans.

The loan will be issued for the term no longer than the bond maturity, bond coupon interest is +2%, which means that nominal interest rate for AMD-denominated bonds is 13%, USD-denominated bonds - 7% per year.

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